郑森林,广东省优秀博士、皇冠APP下载官网高层次引进人才(突出人才)、副教授、硕士生导师、国家一级注册建筑师、注册暖通工程师、美国LEED AP、WELL AP。
担任广东省及广州市节能评审专家,中国建筑协会建筑物理分会会员,广东省建筑节能协会会员,Building and Environment,Sustainable Cities and Society, Engineering with Computers等多个国际期刊评阅人。
1. 佛山地铁集团上盖科研项目,佛山市城市轨道交通四号线一期工程项目《平胜车辆段综合减振降噪专题研究》,2021-2022,结题,主持
2. 佛山地铁地铁上盖科研项目,佛山市城市轨道交通四号线一期工程项目《大朗山停车场综合减振降噪专题研究》,2021-2022,结题,主持
3. 广州地铁设计研究院,佛山地铁三号线大良停车场绿色建筑,建筑节能,海绵城市综合设计,2022-2023,在研,主持
4. 佛山轨道交通设计研究院,顺德创意园绿色建筑,建筑节能,海绵城市综合设计,2022-2023,在研,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金,52008115,湿热气候下树木对城市街谷热环境影响的热湿传递机理及模型化研究,在研,主持
6. 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室面上项目,2021ZB08,基于大湾区城市群气候特征的自适应墙体构造研究,2021-01至2022-12,在研,主持。
7. 政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项,2019YFE012078,近零能耗高层建筑自适应围护结构关键技术研究,2020-12至2023-11,627万元,在研,参与。
8. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51878288,湿热地区乔木对城市居住区热环境影响机理及优化配置研究,2019-01至2022-12,在研,参与
9. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51778237,热地区硬化路面淋水对城市街区热环境影响的机理研究,2018-01至2021-12,在研,参与
10.欧盟地平线 2020 计划居里夫人行动项目,A novel loop-heat-pipe (LHP)-based data centre heat removal and recovery system employing the micro-channels cold/hot plates,2019-01至2021-12,结题,参与
13. 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室,探索创新项目,2017KB10,亚热带地区树木对居住区室外微气候影响研究,2017-01至2019-12,结题,参与
14. 广州市越秀科技局,面上项目,2016—GX—013,住区园林环境微气候改善关键技术创新与应用,2016-09至2018-12,结题,参与。
1: Yang Liu, Quan Liao, Senlin Zheng*. Prediction and analysis of building nose above metro depot, Vibroengineering Procedia, 2022, 77-83.
2: Senlin Zheng, Zining Qiu, Caiwei He, Zhangyuan Wang*, Research on heat transfer mechanism and performance of a novel adaptive enclosure structure based on micro-channel heat pipe, Energy, 2022, 124337.
3:Senlin Zheng, Jean-Michel Guldmann, Zhangyuan Wang*, Zining qiu, Caiwei He, Kailai Wang. Experimental and theoretical study of urban tree instantaneous and hourly transpiration rates and their cooling effect in hot and humid area. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021 (68):102808.
4:Senlin Zheng, Jean-Michel Guldmann, Zhixin Liu, Lihua Zhao*. Influence of Trees on the Outdoor Thermal Environment in Subtropical Areas: An Experimental Study in Guang Zhou, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018 (42):482-497.
5:Senlin Zheng, Lihua Zhao*, Qiong Li. Numerical simulation of the impact of different vegetation species on the outdoor thermal environment. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,2016(18):138-150.
6:Senlin Zheng, Wei Zhang*, Xiangcui Lv. Numerical simulation of cross-flow around three equal diameter cylinders in an equilateral-triangular configuration at low Reynolds numbers. Computers and Fluids,2016(130):94-108.
7:Senlin Zheng, Jean-Michel Guldmann, Zhixin Liu, Lihua Zhao*, Junsong Wang. Modeling of shade creation and radiation modification by four tree species in hot and humid areas: Case study of Guangzhou, China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2019 (47):126545
8:Senlin Zheng, Jean-Michel Guldmann, Zhixin Liu, Lihua Zhao*, Junsong Wang. Predicting the influence of trees on urban wind through wind tunnel tests and numerical simulations: Case study of Guangzhou, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 30, 102116.
9:Senlin Zheng. Early prediction of cooling load in energy‑eicient buildings through novel optimizer of shuled complex evolution. Engineering with Computers, 2020, 40, 115-128.
10:Guang Chen, Minjie He, Nan Li, Senlin Zheng*. A Method for Selecting the Typical Days with Full Urban Heat Island Development in Hot and Humid Area, Case Study in Guangzhou, China. Engineering with Computers, 2020(1):1-15.
11:Zhixin Liu, Senlin Zheng, Lihua Zhao. Evaluation of the ENVI-Met Vegetation Model of Four Common Tree Species in a Subtropical Hot-Humid Area.Atmosphere,2018(1):1-19.
12:Wang, Junsong, Qinglin Meng, Lei Zhang, Yu Zhang, Bao-Jie He, Senlin Zheng, Mat Santamouris. Impacts of the water absorption capability on the evaporative cooling effect of pervious paving materials. Building and Environment (2019).
13:Zhixin Liu, Robert D., Senlin Zheng, Yi Jiang, Lihua Zhao. An In-Depth Analysis of the Effect of Trees on Human Energy Fluxes. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2020, 126646.
14:Zhixin Liu, Robert D., Senlin Zheng, Yi Jiang, Lihua Zhao. The Effect of Trees on Human Energy Fluxes: An experimental study in Guangzhou, China. International Journal of Biometeorology,2020,08, 1-12.
15:Zhixin Liu, Senlin Zheng, Lihua Zhao.An investigation of transpiration and its cooling effect of three urban tree species in Guangzhou, China.ICUC, Newyork, USA.
16: Zhangyuan Wang , Xudong Zhao, Zhonghe Han, Liang Luo, Jinwei Xiang,Senglin Zheng , Guangming Liu , Min Yu, Yu Cui, Samson Shittu, Menglong Hu. Advanced big-data/machine-learning techniques for optimization and performance enhancement of the heat pipe technology – A review and prospective study. Applied Energy, 2021,30, 116969.
17: Xianling Wang , Liang Luo , Jinwei Xiang, Senlin Zheng, Samson Shittu, Zhangyuan Wang, Xudong Zhao. A comprehensive review on the application of nanofluid in heat pipe based on the machine learning: Theory, application and prediction. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021,150, 111434.
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